ADHD linked to greater risk of dying young Having an ADHD diagnosis means increased risk of premature death, shows new study.
Schizophrenia and severe depression share biological process defect Some of the most severe mental illnesses share the same defective coding of biological processes down to the cellular level.
Psychiatrists are trying to change the way we diagnose depression Imprecise depression diagnoses result in far too many people being prescribed antidepressants. A new research project aims to change this.
ADHD medication enhances the risk of heart problems in children A new Danish study indicates that children recieving ADHD medication have a higher risk of getting heart problems.
Faulty braking system leads to depression New rat study reveals that the brains of depressive people are incapable of controlling the activity in certain brain areas – the innate braking system doesn’t work. The discovery could lead to new types of antidepressants.
Lone wolves are overrated So-called lone wolves, criminals who operate alone, are not as crafty and well-organised as we might think, according to a Swedish expert.