15 weeks of high-intensity swimming can help prevent diabetes Short bursts of high-intensity swimming prevents type 2 diabetes in middle-aged women, shows new research.
Toothless in Sweden no more Dental health in Sweden has improved radically over the last four decades, with just a tiny fraction of 50-year-old women toothless in 2004.
Excessive overtime raises risk of strokes Do you work a lot? If your work weeks are longer than normal, you could be more likely of having a stroke, according to a new review.
Teachers gain health by gaining knowledge The health of educators is affected by how much they learn at the schools where they teach.
Saunas are good for the heart Submitting your body to a slow cook can be a smart move. Men who take saunas often run a lower risk of dying from cardiovascular diseases. The healthy factor could be linked to the relaxed body and mind a sauna instils on users.
Paper strips that allow rapid diagnoses Biosensors can be printed on paper, manufactured cheaply and provide instant analyses.
Fruit hinders abdominal aortic aneurysms Eating more than two portions of fruit a day reduces the risk of the deadly ballooning and rupture of a main artery called the abdominal aorta.