Everything you ever wanted to know about the history of haemorrhoids Warning: Includes spanking and leeches around the anus.
Erectile dysfunction? Physical activity could be the solution Aerobic exercise can reactivate the penile tissue and, in many cases, improve the erectile function in men with lifestyle diseases, according to a new Danish study.
Scientists: Exercise can fight erectile dysfunction Exercising several times a week can stave off erectile dysfunction among men. A new study outlines how much exercise it takes.
Marriage reduces testosterone in men A new study shows that marriage can explain a drop in men’s testosterone level. The biological reasons are unknown but scientists speculate that the answer lies in our evolutionary history.
Obesity during pregnancy puts children at risk of developing diabetes New study links obesity in the early stages of pregnancy with an increased risk of type 1 diabetes in children.
Eating more eggs may reduce risk of diabetes Researchers followed a group of men for 20 years and found health benefits from eating eggs – a controversial food when it comes to health issues.
Football helps male cancer patients recover Male cancer patients rarely participate in rehabilitation programs, preferring to leave the health care system as soon as possible. Fortunately, football is an attractive alternative to these traditional rehabilitation services.
Oxidised LDL is bad news for unfit overweight young men Young men should be alerted to the dangers of excess waist fat and declining physical fitness, which despite their young age increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.