The Tour of Flanders bike race: Could functional strength training give riders an edge? Functional strength training, performed on the bike, has been scientifically studied for the first time. Here are the results.
Scientists: Exercise can fight erectile dysfunction Exercising several times a week can stave off erectile dysfunction among men. A new study outlines how much exercise it takes.
How exercise can slow the spread of cancer “Thorough and solid” study suggests why intense training is so effective at preventing cancer.
People exercise less when they live next to noisy traffic The likelihood of taking daily exercise falls by five per cent for every ten decibels of noise, shows new study.
Fitness is our religion Society’s focus on health and exercise meet all the criteria of a religion, according to Swedish researchers.
Exercise in the morning and sleep better at night If you find it difficult to fall asleep in the evening then you may want to consider switching your evening run to the morning, say scientists.
Being unfit nearly as harmful as smoking Poor physical fitness amounts to nearly as high a risk of premature death as tobacco smoking and appears to be more lethal than hypertension and cholesterol.
Regular exercise slows the progress of Alzheimer's Alzheimer's grip on the brain and the mind is halted by exercise, new study shows.
Oxidised LDL is bad news for unfit overweight young men Young men should be alerted to the dangers of excess waist fat and declining physical fitness, which despite their young age increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.