Special gene is causing some smokers to stay slim Heavy smokers are slimmer than smokers who lack a specific gene, shows new study with 80,000 participants.
New study strengthens link between genes and obesity Multiple regions in your genome help determine how much you weigh and how fat is distributed in your body.
Scientists reprogram fat cells to increase fat burning Scientists discover how fat cells can be reprogrammed to burn fat instead of storing it.
Drinking milk could keep you slim Scientists from Aarhus University are identifying substances and mechanisms in milk that might affect the body’s metabolism.
Dairy fat can help protect against type 2 diabetes Eating dairy products can help people avoid contracting type 2 diabetes. Some researchers think the healthy ingredient is dairy fat.
Making fat people slim with modified DNA Genetically designed cells, which release hormones telling the humane body that it is full, could be a solution to worldwide obesity.
Mystery solved: why a Turkish family walks on all fours A Turkish family suffers from a rare disorder that forces them to walk on all fours. Danish scientists have discovered how the disease works and at the same time solved a long-standing scientific mystery.
Fat makes pigs more social and less aggressive A high-fat diet changes social behaviour, reveals new study. This should be considered when advising the public on nutrition, say researchers.
Fish oil helps pigs through operations Tests with pigs show that a diet rich in fish oil improves recovery after operations. The same positive effects could apply to humans too.