The Scientist’s Guide to Christmas: Part II How often can we expect a white Christmas in the future? Do women buy better presents than men? ScienceNordic have answers for these and other Christmas-related mysteries.
The Scientist’s Guide to Christmas How do reindeers fly? Why does Santa not burn up when travelling at such high-speeds? ScienceNordic have answers for these and other Christmas-related mysteries.
Researchers receive 40 million euros for Christmas Grants have been raining down on Danish science in the lead-up to Christmas. The majority of the money has gone to young talents.
Santa is as trustworthy as a doctor Danish researchers have studied whether Santa Claus is trustworthy and friendly by comparing him with a doctor. Santa does well, the study concludes.
Brain scans look for Christmas spirit A series of scientific studies in the weirder end of the spectrum can be found in the Christmas edition of a Danish medical journal.